The Microsoft Commercial Marketplace provides opportunities to connect with millions of customers and partners around the world. Together with our partners, the Microsoft Commercial Marketplace is helping customers everywhere find solutions that serve every need and reach new heights. While the demand for technology only increases exponentially, so does your ability to find new software offerings, increase your portfolio and earn more revenue. Recently, we announced new functionality to empower ISVs-business creating apps-to sell through partners and our cloud solution provider program by offering margin sharing. With the commercial marketplace, you can now resell other partner solutions and attain a margin-helping you unlock a new revenue stream with new solutions while still owning the entire customer relationship- including pricing. This way, you maintain the customer relationship, ISVs increase their reach and you put more money in your pocket every time you sell their application. So how can you get started? Begin by signing in to the Partner Center dashboard and select the pricing title. Then select Marketplace. When partners publish a transactable offer to the commercial marketplace. They can opt in to sell their solution through cloud solution providers. You can connect with any of these partners to discuss selling together. Find these partners by filtering by offer type, or use the search field to search for partners by name, offer, name, or keyword. You can also find the offer's original pricing via the UX or by downloading the marketplace price list. Once you've found a partner you'd like to work with, reach out to them directly using the available contact information. Together, you can build a relationship, discuss margin, and agree on resale terms for their software. The ISV will then create a private offer in the partner center to provide you a margin and reach out to you when it's available. All of your margins will be available to review and purchase in the partner center. Be sure to also leverage the marketing materials provided by the partner to help you succeed in reselling that application. Purchase the ISV's offer via the Partner Center or Azure portal where it applies. Set the pricing outside the marketplace as it makes sense to you and happy selling. Once you make a sale, here's how the money flows. The ISV has made you a private offer with margin sharing. Let's assume that the offer is originally priced at $100 and the ISV is offering a 50% margin. You go and resell the solution and offer it to your customers for $120. When the offer is sold, you keep $70. $50 from the margin share and $20 from the marked up price or to cover any additional service provided, if applicable. The remaining $50 goes back to Microsoft, where we take a 3% agency fee, in this case totaling $1.50, and the remaining $40.50 goes to the ISV. By offering margin sharing, we are helping partners connect for our shared success. ISVs get to reach a new sales channel, while you keep the end to end customer relationship. It's a win win win for everyone. Head over to the partner center to begin searching for new solutions and form new partnerships to increase your software offerings and drive business growth today.